Julia Lopez
Senior Adviser

Previously, Ms. Lopez had an extensive banking career, and performed duties as a Branch Officer, Internal Auditor and Compliance Officer for banks in Puerto Rico and Florida. Her experience also includes being a Compliance Officer for a health insurer in Puerto Rico.
Ms. Lopez began her banking career at FirstBank Puerto Rico, where she worked as Internal Auditor and later as Compliance Officer. As Internal Auditor, Julia interacted with all branches and operational departments during the audits performed. Julia also interacted with external auditors and served as liaison with regulators examining the bank. As Compliance Officer, Julia oversaw creating and updating the compliance policies and procedures, give training to all employees on compliance related matters, serve as subject matter expert and served as liaison with regulators examining the bank and law enforcement agents on BSA/AML related matters. She later worked for R-G Premier Bank as Compliance Officer for the bank and its related mortgage company, R-G Mortgage Corporation. In this position, she revamped the BSA Department, doubling the employee base and implementing a monitoring system for the first time in the Bank.
Ms. Lopez specializes in assisting financial and non-financial institutions in improving their compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and related regulations. Among other activities, her experience includes assisting clients in developing BSA/AML and OFAC Compliance Programs; conducting BSA/AML Risk Assessments; implementing enterprise-wide AML plans; reviewing Know Your Customer (KYC) forms, customer activity, and preparing suspicious activity reports (SARs); developing risk-focused BSA/AML account monitoring strategies; providing training that is tailored to the institution; and preparing banks for regulatory examinations.
Ms. Lopez also has experience with forensic services including litigation support, forensic accounting, fraud detection and deterrence, and assistance with federal and state regulatory agencies examinations.
Ms. Lopez is a member of is a member of the American Bar Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Puerto Rico Bar and Puerto Rico Society of Certified Public Accountants
Ms. Lopez holds a B.A. in Accounting and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Puerto Rico.
The Team
Alberto de la Portilla
Founder & CEO
John S. Karansky
Senior Adviser
Rafael D. Mejia
Senior Adviser
Julia Lopez
Senior Adviser
Gonzalo Sanchez
Senior Adviser
Phillip Carratala
Senior Consultant
Fidias Cuarezma
Alejandro Ledón